Chris Lemmon is a seasoned law enforcement professional whose multifaceted career spans various roles, from Patrol Officer to Patrol Sergeant. His commitment to the field extends beyond his duties on the force, having made significant contributions to labor negotiations and workers' rights through his service on the Sun Coast PBA Board of Directors. This comprehensive experience positions him as not just a public servant, but as a steadfast advocate for law enforcement officers and their families.
Born in Clearwater and raised in Washington State, Chris Lemmon's journey in law enforcement has been both varied and impactful. After earning his law degree from St. Thomas University School of Law in Miami, he graduated from the Pasco Hernando Police Academy and joined the Tarpon Springs Police Department in 2012. Over the years, he served in multiple roles including Patrol Officer, Detective, and Patrol Sergeant.
Chris’s leadership capabilities were recognized early on, leading to his appointment to the Sun Coast PBA Board of Directors where he represented the Tarpon Springs Police Department from January 2018 to July 2021. During his tenure, he demonstrated exemplary negotiation skills, most notably when he backed Sasha Lohn's bold move to declare an impasse with the City of Tarpon Springs—a first in the city's history with the TSPD. Their advocacy during the crucial special impasse hearing resulted in a landmark victory, securing unprecedented wages and benefits for their officers and setting a new standard for Sun Coast PBA's bargaining power.
Retiring as a Patrol Sergeant in 2022, Chris eagerly brought his wealth of experience to the Sun Coast Police Benevolent Association as a staff member in 2023. Married to a fellow former law enforcement officer, Chris Lemmon is not just a public servant, but a dedicated advocate for the well-being and rights of law enforcement officers and their families.